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Every time you go to mount up, you put you foot in the stirrup and hop around as your horse steps sideways away from you or walks forward just as you are stepping up. How do you get him to just stand still so that you can get on without a rodeo? This lesson will help you to accomplish the stand still in very short order.

Start by taking your horse (with saddle and bridle on) in the round pen or hook him up to a 25' longe line. We recommend a roper or barrel racing rein that is a single line with each end connected to opposite sides of the bit. If you only have split reins (two reins, one connected to each side of the bit), tie the ends together to make a continuous loop around the horse's neck. This is important so that the reins are not dragging on the ground for the horse to step on. 
Next, work him in circles around the pen or on the longe line for about five minutes. A trot is fine, as he doesn't have to run to get the message that we want him to know. The message is that we can make him work when we want to and that he gets to stop when we say he can stop. After he's worked the circle for five or six minutes, stop him and walk him to let his system slow to normal. Now take him to the center of the pen or your longe area and stand on his left side. Place both you hands in the left stirrup, palms down and push down hard twice quickly. If he stands still, rub his head and give him some praise. If he move at all, make him do two more laps (two and only two) trotting around the pen or on the longe. He will eventually learn that to keep from working the circles, he must give you what you want and he will try to figure out what that is. Stop him and try again. Repeat until he stands still when you push down on the stirrup. At some point, he will come to know that when he does not move, you will not make him do the circles. Repeat on the off side.

The next step after he consistently stands still when you press on the stirrup is to begin to mount. With the horse in the center of your pen, put you left foot in the stirrup and begin to boost yourself up to stand in the stirrup. Do NOT throw your right leg over to sit in the saddle. Just step up and stand for a second or two and step back down. If the horse moves at all, step down immediately and make him do two laps around and take him to the center again to give it another try. Keep repeating until he stands still when you step up. If he stands still, stay standing in the stirrup for a full second (count of one thousand one), then step down and pet him with lots of praise. Repeat until he consistently stands still for you to stand in the stirrup. Repeat on the off side.

The final step is to put your right leg over and sit in the saddle. By the time you get to this point, he should understand what is expected of him and stand quietly. If he moves, get back down and make him do the two circles at a trot. Repeat until he stand still when you sit in the saddle. Don't forget to do the lesson from the off side. You should be able to mount the horse from either side, anytime you choose. This is good training for the horse.

This is a lesson that you can reasonably expect to teach your horse in an hour or two, but if it takes longer, that is OK. It is worth the effort and you will usually only have to do this lesson once. If his behavior ever starts to slide back, start the lesson again and he will very, very quickly get back in line.

Remember to be consistent and demand consistency from your horse. Also remember to pet and praise him often when he is doing things right. This lets him know that you want him to be successful and that he will be rewarded for the good behavior.
Have fun and SADDLE UP!!!!